Saul Darù, illustrator and architect.
Engaged in cultural and editorial projects,
illustrations, motion graphics
and video scenography for theatre, he is also
involved in international cooperation projects.
Visitor Centre of Panzano, Monfalcone – Gorizia, Italy
participatory workshop held through Charrettemethodology – drawings
Consorzio Culturale del Monfalconese, Monfalcone (GO) Ecomuseo Territori. Genti e Memorie tra Carso e Isonzo, Monfalcone (GO) Kallipolis (TS)
The Atelier Panzano project aims to reconstruct the memory and the value of places in the neighborhood of Panzano (Monfalcone-Gorizia, Italy) by collecting the stories of its inhabitants in order to create an inventory of past and present relationships between urban space and everyday life reflecting on possible acts of exploitation to do in the area. Each story has been returned through memory snapshots thanks to the Charrette methodology. All these drawings and these records are part of these docufilm Panzano: family stories and of the animated parish map Panzano: history found.
For further information about Atelier Panzano project:
Strumento irrinunciabile nella tecnica della Charrette, il disegno risulta essere un linguaggio facilmente comprensibile a tutte le parti presenti durante i laboratori di progettazione partecipata per rappresentare in modo chiaro e in diretta le tematiche, le esigenze e i suggerimenti emersi nel corso delle riunioni tra professionisti e cittadini.